We'll be back in February!


Wonders of Portugal

Porto Santo island

At a distance of 71 km from the island of Madeira, lies an Atlantic paradise: the island of Porto Santo! Come and Travel aboard the Lobo Marinho and visit the golden island. Discover Porto Santo island


  • Explore

    New Year's Eve 2024/2025 aboard the ship Lobo Marinho

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  • Nature

    Lulled by the sand's dance

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  • Nature

    One step on the sand, another in the sea

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  • Nature

    There, where no time has passed...

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We'll be back in February with our daily trips, leaving Funchal at 8am and returning at 6pm, at an average price of €60 per adult. Special packages with car and accommodation are also available. Find out what we can offer you here! For information on timetables and fares for 2025, please contact +351 291210300 or infopsl@gruposousa.pt.

During the maintenance of the ship Lobo Marinho, sales of airline tickets are only available to residents of Porto Santo.

