Bring your flip-flops, we've got the rest

Cristina Costa e Silva

Cristina Costa e Silva

Read time1 min

Bring your flip-flops, we've got the rest.

You won't need much else. Flip-flops, a swimsuit and sun cream. If you want to rest, relax, listen to the waves and feel the salt crystallising on your body, you don't need much. This is the ideal place to forget your office address and in a few days you'll realise that you've even forgotten the date you're there. It's a classic. That's what this island does. Take away your stress and swap it for a pair of flip-flops, forget your shoes, because you won't need them here. Strip away all your worries, pack up what can be put off and literally throw your body onto the towel. Cool off in the inviting waters, usually at 25 degrees, which embrace your skin and just contemplate, savour and forget everything that lies beyond the boundaries of this island.

You'll find everything you need here. Don't bring your suitcase too heavy, we make no fuss about visitors and we welcome everyone like family. That family that comes back every year because they feel at home. And here at home, we wear flip-flops.

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